Samantha Tipler
"Heart of Hearts" by Samantha Tipler
Acrylic Gouache on canvas
(W) 610mm x (H) 910mm
From the 2015 series, You Have My Heart.
A dazzling, fun painting from Samantha Tipler's 2015 series You Have My Heart.
Full-hearted, crazy love, or perhaps an excited expression of blowing heart-bubbles, it's all in the eyes of the beholder. A highly layered painting containing fair-ground of intricate moments, Heart of Hearts is sure to be loved by all.
NB - This painting has not been photographed or scanned for use in commercial production of other products and is a one off, original acrylic gouache on canvas painting
CURRENTLY FOR SALE - at another venue - please enquire at info@delaliff.com
Now taking Commissions - Enquire at info@delaliff.com