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Mark Zed

The following titles have been awarded to Mark Zed through participation in the Australian Institute for Professional Photography

2016 Finalist for the Illustrative Photographer of the Year Category SAPPA

2015 Finalist for the national Portrait Photographer of the Year Category at APPA

2015 Two Gold Awards a Silver With Distinction and Silver Award, APPA National Awards

2015 Two Gold Awards, South Australian Professional Photography Awards

2014 Awarded the title of Associate of the Australian Institute for Professional Photography

2014 Four Silver Awards achieved at APPA  National Awards

2013  Two Silver Awards achieved at the APPA National Awards

2009 AIPP South Australian Commercial Photographer of the Year

2008 AIPP South Australian Commercial Photographer of the Year

2008 AIPP South Australian Highest Scoring Print Award

2008 AIPP South Australian Professional Photographer of the Year

2006 AIPP South Australian Illustrative Photographer of the Year

Mark is a dedicated industry volunteer with the AIPP helping to facilitate continuing professional development, marketing and awards programs for Australian Photographers